Ashoka Medical Devices

BTE Hearing Aids (Behind The Ear)

Behind the ear (BTE) hearing aids

Behind the ear (BTE) hearing aids

There are a lot of types of hearing aids available at Ashoka Medical Devices Speech & Hearing Clinic. These might include behind-the-ear hearing aids and even best-rated hearing aids. Selecting the type of hearing aid depends upon a variety of factors. These might include how severe the loss is and even the shape of your ear. It might also depend upon your personal preferences and even how easily you handle the hearing solutions.
There are a lot of types of hearing aids available at Ashoka Medical Devices Speech & Hearing Clinic. These might include behind-the-ear hearing aids and even best-rated hearing aids. Selecting the type of hearing aid depends upon a variety of factors. These might include how severe the loss is and even the shape of your ear. It might also depend upon your personal preferences and even how easily you handle the hearing solution.

The type of best hearing aids depends upon a variety of factors. These might include:

  • Whether the hearing loss is mild, moderate, stark or profound
  • Shape and size of your ear
  • manual dexterity
  • New hearing aid technologies.
  • Your individual preferences.
A lot of over-the-ear hearing aids are rechargeable. These can be connected to your smartphone and even can be used with Bluetooth technology. The best behind-the-ear hearing aids are fit by our hearing care specialist at Ashoka Medical Devices Speech & Hearing Clinic. The microphone inside it picks up the sound and even converts the sound signals to electrical ones. These are then sent to the amplifier. The amplifier surges the volume of the sound. This sound is then sent to the speaker and then with the help of a plastic tube to your ear. BTE hearing aid is useful for those who have hearing loss and it helps to make the sound more audible. It makes you more comfortable and confident as now you can listen to everything. This type of hearing aid works on most of the types of hearing loss. It has great flexibility to match your ears. It can be easily connected to your smartphone, television, radio or other devices. It works well to provide you with the best functionality.
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