Ashoka Medical Devices

Hearing loss

Hearing loss

Hearing loss comes slightly with an increase in age or as you become old. This is also known as presbycusis. A lot of people all over the world tend to suffer from age-related hearing loss above the age of 75. It can impact anyone even babies to old people. A lot of factors might cause hearing loss or hearing problems. This might even include the exposure to the loud noise. Noise-induced hearing loss is the main reason why most people tend to suffer from hearing loss or hearing issues. Though there is no process to reverse the hearing process surgery and hearing aids can help you to improve your hearing.

Hearing loss usually occurs when there is something that has an impact on the hearing system. When you suffer from any kind of hearing loss you might have difficulty understanding, following or indulging in conversations. You might not be able to hear conversations on the telephone. You can’t even be a part of online meetings or watch TV as well since you will be unable to hear any conversation.
Hearing loss usually occurs when there is something that has an impact on the hearing system. When you suffer from any kind of hearing loss you might have difficulty understanding, following or indulging in conversations. You might not be able to hear conversations on the telephone. You can’t even be a part of online meetings or watch TV as well since you will be unable to hear any conversation.


There is a variety of  Types Of Hearing Problems

  • Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder

This type of hearing loss is caused when the sound enters the ear normally but the inner ear is damaged due to which the brain cannot recognize the sound properly.


Conductive Hearing Loss

This type of hearing loss is caused when the sound from the outside environment does not enter the outer or middle ear. This type of hearing problem can be handled with the help of types of hearing aids and different types of hearing aids.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

This type of hearing loss is caused when the inner ear or hearing nerve is not functioning properly.

Mixed Hearing Loss

This type of hearing loss is a combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.

Know The Early signs of hearing loss in adults

Know The Early signs of hearing loss in adults

Various Symptoms of hearing loss may include:

  • Speech and other sounds are getting muffled up
  • you suffer from difficulty while you try to understand words in a place that has crowd
  • you struggle with the difficulty while trying to hear the letters of the alphabet except the vowels.
  • You need others to speak more loudly or clearly
  • You listen to TV or radio at a very high volume
  • You get affected by the background noise
  • You experience Ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus.

Most common cause of hearing loss

There are a lot of factors that might lead to hearing loss. These might include long-term exposure to a loud noise.
Hearing loss causes might include:

There are a lot of factors that might lead to hearing loss. These might include long-term exposure to a loud noise.

Hearing loss causes might include:

  • Earwax gets stuck in the ear
  • Due to colds or surgeries the fluid is clogged inside the middle ear
  • Infection in the middle ear
  • The ears of the swimmers
  • Ruptured eardrum.
  • Ear tumors.
  • Something is stuck in your ear like peas
  • Congenital conditions (conditions that exist at the time of birth)
  • Ageing
  • coronary artery disease (heart disease),
  • high blood pressure (hypertension),
  • strokes or
  • Ototoxicity
  • Certain genetic (inherited) conditions
  • Being hit in the head.
  • Congenital infections like cytomegalovirus (CMV).
  • Consuming medications that impact your inner ear or middle ear

Hearing Loss In One Ear

Hearing Loss In One Ear

Hearing loss might take place sometimes on one side. That means you might experience deafness in one of your ears. Those people who suffer from Sudden Hearing Loss In One Ear experience difficulty understanding speech in a place full of crowds. These are even unable to locate the source of sound.
This condition is termed as unilateral hearing loss or unilateral deafness. People who suffer from this condition observe that their other ear is functioning properly.  Those who are suffering from this kind of hearing loss must contact a doctor. This is because medical attention is necessary in these cases. The doctor will try to diagnose your problem and then suggest various treatment options. The doctor suggests various hearing aids depending on the type of disorder you might be suffering from.

Causes of Sudden Hearing Loss In One Ear

Causes of Sudden Hearing Loss In One Ear

The following are the various causes of hearing loss on one side

  • injury to the ear
  • exposure to loud noises or certain drugs
  • blockage of the ear
  • tumour
  • illness

Many time variations in hearing might be caused by to natural process of ageing. A variety of causes is even reversible. This might include the creation of wax inside the ear or infections in the ear.

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